Health Engagement Campaigns


Immunize BC & BC Cancer Agency


Campaign Manager, Web & Advertising Director, Writer



I’ve worn many of the same hats on two notable health campaigns for interactive agency Hello Cool World that employ a branded campaign creative approach combined with grassroots tactics and social marketing best practices. I Have Immunity and LACE Campaign both featured real people and their stories, and were deployed with targeted audience strategies and a mix of offline outreach, web and social media engagement, volunteer coordination, and BC-wide multimedia advertising campaigns.


I wrote proposals and helped secure multiple contracts, and played a major role in campaign planning, execution, tracking and reporting.

Web & Online

I led development and maintained the campaign websites featuring online contests to drive engagement and grow the mail list.


I oversaw the advertising that reached thousands via TV, radio, display and online channels.

LACE Campaign

BC Cancer Agency was looking for an innovative campaign that would counter a decline in Pap testing rates by young women. After research and surveying our audience, we recruited an “action team” of young women to develop the concept and film guerrilla-style. The result was a branded movement called LACE Campaign or Live Aware. Create Empowerment.

Realizing that women of all ages and communities embraced the brand, we were hired to promote an annual event called Pap Awareness Week beginning in 2010 and continuing to 2012. During that time, LACE Campaign reached out to women across BC and truly helped foster a movement around cervical cancer awareness.

I Have Immunity

In 2010, we launched a campaign for Immunize BC that uses the stories of real families to raise awareness about the value of vaccinations. We had to hit the ground running to make a looming deadline, and begin a process that was part development and part focus test. We organized multiple photo and video shoots that had us engaging with our audiences around issues of immunization, while recruiting advocates and feature stories.
We went on to roll out 4 province-wide campaigns under the I Have Immunity brand framework promoting different vaccines.


Project management
planning & strategy
Content strategy & writing
Surveys & contests
Data analysis
Web development
Press releases
Social media
Web metrics